This month, New Trinity Lodge gathered to pay tribute to WBro David Schofield on the celebration of his 50 years in Free Masonry.  New Trinity as its name suggests is an amalgamation of three Lodges with David being a founder of one, Golden Jubilee.
In a celebration led by the APGM, WBro Norman Cope, assisted by the Provincial DC, WBro John Griffin and supported by another two past APGM’s, WBro David Dunn – the new APGP and a District Delegation, a full Lodge room listened to a precis of David’s masonic and personal history before WBro Cope presented David with his illuminated certificate and read a personal letter from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier.
WBro Peter Jones, the Bolton District Deputy Chairman, presented David with a 50th anniversary pin on behalf of the District Team.
The celebration was continued into the festive board where WBro Warwick Davenport proposed a toast to David who responded suitably thanking all those who had helped make the night a success