The meeting was to celebrate the 50th Anniversary for Rodney Wild who is the current Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge No 5651 Audenshaw’s Lunchtime Lodge.
He was initiated at Oldham on the 12th July 1966.
He has four sons all in the Craft and they are Dean, Glyn, Adan and Ross. Unfortunately Adan could not attend as his Daughter was receiving her cap and gown at Liverpool University on the same day. His eldest son Dean delivered a tribute to his Father which was very amusing but respectful.
Rodney, through the years, had initiated and Raised all four of his son’s. Ross proposed the toast to his Father at the social board
The APGM John Pearson was in attendance along with a Provincial Deputation with APGP Eddie Barlow, District Chairman Gerry Hodson and Officers of the Year. John reminisced about the goings on in 1966 the year Rodney first came in to Freemasonry along with several items of interest before presenting Rodney with his certificate.