WBro. Alan F Smith and WBro. Alan A D Smith

On Thursday, the 3rd of March, the Lodge of Faith No. 581 celebrated their Installation. As with many of the Lodges in these times, recycling of the Past Masters was put into practice and WBro. Peter Bibby was installed as Master. The Provincial Representative was WBro. Alan D P Smith, PGSD.

This meeting was very special as the Installation was followed by the celebration of 50 years’ service to the Lodge of Faith for WBro. Alan F Smith PPSGD. It’s not hard to imagine the humour created with two Alan Smiths attending the same meeting, and both were the centre of our proceedings.

At the appropriate part on the summons, the representative took the floor with his namesake to present him with the Provincial Certificate for 50 years’ service which was mounted in a brass frame. He followed this by clipping the Provincial badge for 50 years’ service to his lapel which Alan said he would wear with pride.

The honors to Alan F, as we will call him, continued into the social board. He was presented with an ornate Whisky Decanter, suitably engraved, followed by a bottle of Whisky signed by all the members of the Lodge. These unexpected gifts from his fellow members added even more to his special occasion.

The social board was rounded off by a lengthy and amusing speech from Alan F where he talked of is early days in masonry and particularly in the Lodge of Faith. In these early days, he drove 40 miles each way to Lodge meetings and practices,, which officers were expected to attend and at times there were two practices between lodge meetings which all officers were expected to attend.  

Sadly, in his later years, he had to move home which was 160 miles down south.  This of course has now limited him to joining us only at our Installations. Not many Freemasons would drive 320 miles in a day to visit a lodge. This alone shows his commitment to masonry and his personal feelings for the Lodge of Faith.