The Brethren of Peacefully Valley Lodge No 4111

The Meeting of Peaceful Valley Lodge No. 4111 held on the  1st February was a very special occasion, as it marked the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Russell Duxbury PProvDepGSuptWks.

Following the opening of the Lodge and after the business had been completed, WBro Andrew Procter PProvDepDC as ProvDepDC directed a District Delegation led by WBro John Farrington PAGDC APGM into the Lodge where the Worshipful Master WBro Peter Connell Offered WBro Farrington the gavel, which on this occasion he was delighted to accept. WBro Farrington requested  that the Director of Ceremonies place WBro Duxbury in the centre of the Lodge, and then asked WBro David Eccles PProvAssGSwdB to read a tribute to WBro Duxbury.

WBro Eccles gave a detailed history of the personal and masonic life of WBro Duxbury. This included the fact that he was born in Preston in 1934, he moved to Accrington then Rishton where he still resides with his wife Audrey. After his National Service he returned to work at British Northrop where he was a draughtsman. After being made redundant he eventually went to wok at BAE SYSTEMS where he met WBro Eccles and ultimately proposed him into the Craft. Russell married his wife Audrey in 1958 and they built a family of two girls together, Russell now has 3 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren.
WBro Duxbury was described by WBro Eccles as a calm man who takes life as it comes…except where Blackburn Rovers are concerned!
WBro Eccles finished his tribute by highlighting a second very important anniversary which was taking place at the same time, namely WBro Duxbury’s 58th Wedding anniversary. We are delighted that his wife Audrey granted him a special dispensation to attend his Masonic 50th.

Following the tribute WBro Farrington went on to remind the Brethren of historical facts that occurred in 1966 the year of Russell’s initiation into Freemasonry. These facts included Harold Wilson becoming PM, 500,000 US troops were curently in Vietnam, The terrible Aberfan disaster happened, the average house price was £3840, the first British Credit Card was introduced by Barclaycard and of course England beat West Germany in the World Cup of that year.

Before WBro Duxbury was perambulated around the Lodge, there were two presentations made to him. The first was WBro David Lightbown PAGDC District Chairman who presented Russell with his lapel badge marking 50 years in Freemasonry. The second was made by the Worshipful Master WBro Connell who was delighted to present WBro Duxbury with a lovely rose bowl from the Lodge Brethren to mark his anniversary. WBro was then guided around the Lodge to rapturous applause from the Brethren present.

After the collection to worthy causes was taken, WBro Farrington accompanied by WBro Duxbury and the District Delegation retired from the Lodge. The remainder of the Lodge business was completed and the Lodge closed in due form.

The Festive board was a joyous occasion with nearly 50 brethren enjoying an excellent meal and lots of laughter.The toast to WBro Duxbury was given by the Lodge Secretary WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC. He explained how dedicated WBro Duxbury has been over his 50 years. He still attends all the meetings and practices and in the past made ritual look deceptively easy. WBro Aspinall also described how WBro Duxbury is the Lodge’s last link to the Founders. WBro Aspinall finished his toast by presenting a bouquet of flowers to Russell to be given to his wife for their 58th wedding anniversary and for letting him out! He also presented him with a photograph as a memento of the evening.

In response, WBro Duxbury thanked WBro Aspinall for his kind words and the assembled Brethren for making the evening so special for him.  He continued to say why he joined Freemasonry and why he is still a Mason 50 years on. His father and Grandfather were both Masons and that is what made him investigate Freemasonry in the beginning. However, his main motivation is charity and he reminded the Brethren what core principles have kept him so enthused in Freemasonry. His response was met with great applause from the Brethren.

This was a very special evening enjoyed by all. We look forward to celebrating WBro Duxbury’s 60th anniversary in Freemasonry and his 68th Wedding Anniversary too!


Brethren of Peaceful Valley Lodge No. 4111 and the District Delegation
Presentations and the Festive Board