The Directors of “East Lancashire Premises” (ELPREM) working with the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, having reviewed various risk assessments and recognising the expenses necessary to make Masonic Centres compliant with current Covid-19 Government Guidance have, after due consideration, concluded that the allocation of funds fell within their remit and that they were therefore able to offer help and financial support by making non-returnable grants to each of them.

A total of £57,000 was allocated as follows:

  1. £2,000 to each Hall eligible for a grant of £10,000 under the Government Small Business Support Scheme;
  2. £3,000 for each Hall eligible for a grant of £25,000 under the Government Small Business Support Scheme;
  3. £1,000 to the Lodges that meet at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Blackburn and the Bolton School

These grants have been well received and have gone some way in meeting the additional expenses of making our premises COVID-secure.

It is also worth remembering that with the assistance of the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, halls in the Province have, with one exception, received support through the Government’s Small Business Grant scheme totalling c.£300k. Of course the individual grants will not replace the income lost during the lockdown period but they will go some way to offsetting the worst effects.

The ELPREM Directors wish you a safe return to your Masonic activities and much enjoyment in the months ahead when you are able to attend your Lodge or Chapter and to meet up again with friends and Companions.

Peter Rhodes