On Thursday, 13th March 2025, Wes Marchant, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master with special responsibility for the Southern Area, accompanied Grand Officers and an Area Delegation on an official visit to Milton Lodge 1144. The APGM was offered the Gavel but politely declined, indicating that on this occasion, he looked forward to being a spectator to what he anticipated would be a remarkable delivery of ritual. Indeed, it was. After introducing the Grand Officers and members of the Southern Area delegation, the occasion was to install WBro Peter Gichero PProvGSwdB as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.
The installation was conducted by Master WBro Peter Cole. Peter Gichero has been an active DC for many years. He has also served as Master numerous times in various Lodges throughout the Area, including Kershaw in 2018 and Minerva in 1993 and 2012. His Mother Lodge is the Lodge of Minerva No 300, which has played a significant role in the history of many local Lodges. Thus, it is entirely appropriate that Peter was placed in the Chair on this particular night. Milton and Minerva have collaborated in numerous ways, as evidenced by other members who, like Peter, belong to both Lodges, such as Stephen Ridgway, David Brown, and Alex Miller, the latter being at times the secretary of both Lodges.
Once the installation was completed, charges were delivered by the Grand Officers present, Ian Casson and Peter Dowthwaite, and unsurprisingly by the newly installed Master. In his closing comments, the APGM remarked on how, at times, the newly installed Master appeared to be so knowledgeable about the ceremony and the proceedings that it resembled a DIY installation. The APGM went on to discuss other significant achievements within the lodge, noting that Milton Lodge, which is already a Vice Patron of the 2026 Festival, was on track to become a Grand Patron, and he fully expected that he would be returning to Milton in the near future to present them with a Gavel to commemorate their being awarded Grand Patron Status. For those members of both Milton and Minerva, this will be the second occasion a Lodge they are members of has been awarded this honour, as Wes recently presented a Commemorative Decorated Gavel to Minerva Lodge for their achievement.
At the ensuing Festive Board, all attendees first met informally to toast each other’s health; they then welcomed the AMPG and the newly installed master into the dining room. After an excellent meal, Ian Casson gave an excellent rendition of the Master’s song, and then the Wardens and all assembled drank to the Health of the new Master in a song.

The APGM for the Southern Area, WBro Wes Marchant, presenting a commemorative Decorated Gavel to the newly installed Master of Minerva Lodge, WBro Alex Miller, on receiving their Grand Patron for the 2026 Festival