The Rose of Lancashire Lodge hosted a meeting with a presentation from The Royal Arch Education and Development Team.
Also in the lodge was the area Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother John Pearson, along with the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Paul Rose, and a Provincial Deputation
A mixture of 40 Brethren and Companions visited the lodge. The initial business was quickly concluded and the Lodge was called off, enabling the scene to be set.

Excellent Companion Len Hayes narrated the proceedings, which was set within the changing room outside a Lodge room and there was a conversation between a newly raised brother and two experienced brethren who are members of the Holy Royal Arch.
The explanation and narration of the demonstration was superb and I think everyone would agree that all of the brethren present made an advancement in their masonic knowledge. Once the demonstration had been completed, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Paul Rose, was invited to answer questions from the audience and surprised many at the ease in which he answered over a dozen, occasionally tricky, questions about the Royal Arch Order.
The Lodge was called back on and business was quickly concluded enabling everyone to enjoy the social board.
The presentation made an impression on some brethren who made further enquiries in to joining the order.

By Niall Perry