East Ribble District Charity Stewards have recently made a donation to St Luke and St Philip’s Primary School in Blackburn.
 Thirty of the junior school children are going on a three night residential trip to Winmarleigh Hall Activity Centre in October.  The school is located in a deprived area of Blackburn and the school was keen for their pupils to benefit from the experience of team building and learning through adventure so they asked the East Ribble District Charity Steward’s for their support.  

The District Charity stewards were pleased to support such a worthy local cause and WBro David Gill (Assistant District Charity Steward) presented the Headteacher Miss S O’Connell along with several pupils with the £250 cheque from the District towards the pupil’s experience

East Ribble District Charity Stewards have recently made a donation to St Luke and St Philip’s Primary School in Blackburn.
Permission granted for the use of the photograph.
Report and image: East Ribble District Team.