This is the second year that the Hurst Festival has taken place in Ashton-under-Lyne. As previously it brought together a host of local groups, displays included the Fire brigade, local scouts, a dance troupe and a drum band.  Tameside Youth services were also present and you could even get a health check.  The event opened at 12 noon with a steady stream of people and families which continued until at least 3 pm.  The good weather helped enormously.  The Masonic trailer attracted a lot of interest, with balloons for the kids, and Masonic leaflets explaining what we are all about for the adults.  WBro Peter Douthwaite, our District Chairman, even did an interview  for the Ashton United Football Club web page.  Tameside local radio was also present and reporting on the event.

Over the course of the day, we saw some interest, particularly from a couple of younger men, and even a couple that may consider re-joining.
Overall the day went well and Freemasonry was certainly well represented.  We were also thanked for our kind sponsorship by the organiser, Stephen Hudson, and we were asked if we would return next year.
The team worked extremely hard, and were pleased to see our APGM, John Pearson, giving out balloons to the young children, and assisting us in promoting our organisation.  Our thanks also go to Bro Steven Stanley for collecting and returning the trailer and to Bro Stuart Tennant for his expertise in the final positioning of it.

Further photographs of this event can be found at Hurst Fest Gallery

Text  © Peter Douthwaite, Photographs © Stuart Tennant