The Brethren of Waverley Lodge 1322 and their Guests toast their new Worshipful Master

Last night, Thursday 25th October, I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, joining together with some 30 Brethren at Ashton Masonic Hall to celebrate the Proclamation of WBro Leslie W Kay as Worshipful Master of this fine old Lodge for a second year. Now, often, when you read a sentence like this you immediately think that the Lodge is struggling, but nothing could be further from the truth when talking about Waverley Lodge. Waverley is thriving with lots of members and several younger, light blue, members working the Lodge Offices and sitting on the Stewards Bench. It is a fine, strong Lodge with a membership that covers an age range from the early thirties to well into the eighties. Think about it, there are not very many organisations that can make a claim like that. Les Kay is a very proud man, and a Mason, being Master of this Lodge.

WBro Les Kay, WM, takes wine with our APGM, WBro John Pearson

To celebrate this success, WBro John Pearson, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master with special responsibility for the Southern Area, chose to make an official visit to the Lodge on this occasion. He was paraded into the Lodge by a team of four District Officers and one Grand Lodge Officer in the person of Waverley’s own Alan D P Smith. WBro Pearson took his place in the Lodge and was offered the gavel, which he carefully, and politely, refused.
A Proclamation is a very much shorter ceremony than a full Installation would have been, but it was a well crafted ceremony for all that. We were treated to a superb performance of the various addresses which were followed up by a couple of reports which served only to stress the strength of this Lodge. Then we all moved downstairs to toast the new Master’s health and wish him all success in the coming year, after which everyone transferred to the Social Board for a convivial, and fraternal, supper.

A Convivial and Fraternal Supper

All photographs and text ©Kevin Hall, DCO

All of the photographs taken at this event can be seen by going to the Provincial Photo Gallery at Waverley Lodge Photo Gallery