On the 29th October The Deputy District Chairman, WBro Russell Harwood formally launched the first District Workshop at Accrington Masonic Hall. This informal event gave the opportunity for both newer Brethren as well as well established Freemasons, to ‘have a go’ in the various offices within the Lodge under the direction of the Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies, WBro Andrew Taylor. There was no remembering of lines needed as the ritual was read and delivered from the prepared emulation ritual or the participants own ritual if they preferred.

As well as the Lodge of Instruction, the District Team were on hand to meet Brethren and offer advice in their various fields of expertise including… Charity, Almoner, Financial, Secretarial and Communications. Also present was WBro Nick Bellas District RADO who was on hand to explain the Royal Arch using a very impressive display area. Nick even joined Twitter on the evening as @eastribbleRADO give him a follow if you are a twitter user!

This was a great first delivery of this event and gave lots for everyone to consider before the running of it again next year. In particular, the younger Brethren said they enjoyed the Lodge of Instruction, as it gave them a taste of what was to come and encouraged them as they work through the offices.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team