On Wednesday 31st October the latest in a series of presentations held across the Province entitled Implementing the ‘Members’ Pathways’ took place at Mill House Masonic Hall in the East Ribble District. A large number of Lodge Membership Officers (LMO’s) and Mentors from all the Masonic Halls attended to hear this important presentation which has evolved within the Province to attract, introduce and retain members into Freemasonry.
The event was introduced by the Head of the Recruitment and Membership Strategy Group, WBro John Farrington, currently APGM and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Designate who was supported during the evening by WBro Alan Kirwilliam the Provincial Grand Mentor and APGM Designate and WBro Mo Afsa Provincial Grand Membership Officer. WBro Farrington explained the history of the Pathway, it’s importance, how it had evolved and most importantly how it will work within the Lodges. WBro Afsa then went on to thanks the East Ribble District for their support in all the initiatives that have come from Province before continuing to explain the 11 steps and who is responsible for the implementation of these.
WBro Kirwilliam then went on to explain how the Pathway will be adopted in Lodges and where Brethren can find the relevant information to support the implementation plan. Following the presentation the Brethren were asked to gather in their Lodge groups to discuss the initial steps they will make in their own Lodges to implement and begin to introduce the Pathway into our Lodges.
Following the discussions the Brethren fed back with enthusiasm as they prepare themselves for the launch.
The evening concluded with a lively and positive question and answer session which raised some relevant points for both the LMO and Mentors to consider as they work together as a Pathway Team. WBro Harwood also said he would be willing to deliver a similar presentation to Lodges as and when requested.
WBro Farrington thanked the presenters and acknowledged the hard work that had gone into both the presentation and the development of the Pathway. He also thanked all in attendance for their support.
Pictured on feature image left to right are: WBro Mo Afsa, WBro Russell Harwood (District LMO) WBro Alan Kirwilliam, and WBro John Farrington.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team