Forty Brethren including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, WBro John Richard Farrington, PSGD, signed the Tylers attendance register on Monday 18th February 2019, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Consecration of Three Chalices Lodge, No. 8249.
The Worshipful Master, WBro Gordon Spencer, PProvGSuptWks, opened the Lodge promptly at 7-00pm. A report was received an WBro Dr. Simon Archer, AGDC, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, was admitted and announced that WBro John Richard Farrington, PSGD, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire was without and demanded admission. WBro Farrington was admitted and the Worshipful Master offered WBro Farrington the Gavel. WBro Farrington said that it was always an honour and a privilege to be offered the Gavel of any Lodge but on this special occasion, he thought it better if the Worshipful Master retained it.
Salutations were given to WBro Farrington, who responded by thanking everyone present for their kind salutations and greeted all present, well.
The Lodge Secretary, WBro Colin Barton, PProvSGD, having had the minutes of the last Lodge meeting confirmed, read the minutes of the Consecration meeting of the Lodge.
The Main business of the evening was to receive a Masonic Catechism of circa 1740, between two Freemasons. Presented by members of Three Chalices Lodge and members of Amity and Rossendale Forest Lodge No. 283, in darkened Lodge room lit only by candlelight, along with visual and aural “props” which certainly set an authentic atmosphere, two Masons, one a “town” Mason and one a “traveling” Mason, dressed in 18th Century clothing went through what was considered the “Proving of a Mason” with an explanation given by several Narrators.
It was obvious to all present that a great deal of time and effort had gone into what was a most entertaining and educational presentation which, when concluded, received the approbation of all present.
During the concluding of the Business of the Lodge, the Lodge Charity Steward WBro Colin Barton, PProvSGD, proposed that £500 be donated to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity, the proposal being duly seconded the proposition was carried unanimously and a cheque was presented to WBro Farrington by the Worshipful Master. WBro Farrington thanked the Lodge for their most kind and generous donation and assured the Lodge that he would see it got to Hewlett Court As soon as possible.
The remainder of the business being concluded the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony.

Members of Three Chalices Lodge with distinguished guests and visitors