On Wednesday 10th April Bro Liam Jones was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason at an excellent ceremony by Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No. 462 at Accrington Masonic Hall.
Bro Jones thoroughly enjoyed the evening which was enhanced by having a full Lodge room of 44 brethren. Eight of the eleven visitors in attendance had come from Old Blackburnian Lodge No. 7933 to support Bro Jones who had been passed at their October meeting in 2018. They very kindly hosted the ceremony of passing Bro Jones to the Degree of Fellowcraft which was had also been a very memorable occasion.
However, this wasn’t the only reason for them attending. Included in their number was Worshipful Master WBro David A R Mottershead and the two Wardens WBros W Stanley Bamber MBE  and Eric J Loughlin, and as such qualified them to claim the Travelling Gavel, which had been in residence at Accrington for a while. The Worshipful Master of Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No. 462 Bro David Peacock, happily handed over the gavel to WBro Mottershead, who made the formal claim at the end of his response to the visitor’s toast.
An excellent evening was had by all and we look forward to seeing which Lodge will be the next to claim the Travelling Gavel.
Article and image: East Ribble District Team