I am sure that everyone in Ashton & Mossley District will join with me in congratulating Peter Douthwaite, the Chairman of Ashton & Mossley District, on his recent appointment as a Past Officer of the United Grand Lodge of England. Peter was appointed to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies at the Annual Investiture Meeting of United Grand Lodge which took place in Freemasons’ Hall in London last Wednesday, 24th April. Peter was appointed, along with lots of other newly appointed and promoted officers by MW Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey Lowndes in front of a packed Grand Temple. I know that he had an absolutely wonderful day, because he keeps telling everyone. The day ended in the company of several of the Leaders of the Province, including Sir David Trippier our Provincial Grand Master, and John Pearson our APGM, at a sumptuous Dinner at London’s Guildhall. However, the gilt on the gingerbread came when, at Dinner, the RW Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence, came to give Peter his personal congratulations. Peter and the RW Deputy Grand Master first met in 2014 when he attended Lodge of Union. Congratulations and Well Done, Peter.

The text and the photograph are by Kevin Hall, District Communications Officer for Ashton & Mossley District.
This photograph is copyright. ©Kevin Hall. Its use, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes,
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