The evening of 16th May was a very special one for WBro Melvyn Tenenbaum and the many guests who attended the meeting of Arkscroll Lodge.
After the Lodge was opened and the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed, WBro Phil Collier, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies was admitted and announced that WBro Chris Welton PSGD Assistant Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by a District Deputation, was without and that he demanded admission.
Bro David Jaffa, the WM, offered the gavel to WBro Welton who gladly accepted it and said how very honoured and privileged he was to do so and how pleased he was to be here on this very special occasion. The APGM thanked the Brethren for their salutations.
WBro Welton then called off the Lodge and he welcomed the very many visitors and non-masonic guests who had come to join the celebration. He introduced the Deputation which included, WBros Paul O’Carroll, Chris Prax,  Ed Beaman, Mel Rosenthal, Michael Bartle, Andrew Greenhalgh, Bill Lister, Steve Thomson, Roy Chapman,  Elliot Moss,  Richard Zoltie, Dennis Schiff, David Cowen the Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Collier, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies together with Grand Officers: WBros David Basger and David Hudson.
WBro Welton brought greetings from the RW PGM, Sir David Trippier, and the VWBro Dep PGM, WBro John Farrington, both of whom sent their best wishes to everyone and personal congratulations to Melvyn.
Melvyn was placed in the centre of the Lodge and WBro Welton delivered a tribute to him by recounting a biography of Melvyn’s life both in and out of Freemasonry. He also recounted some of the more memorable and notable events which had occurred in 1945, the year of Melvyn’s birth, and 1968, the year of Melvyn’s initiation into Freemasonry. These included – in July 1945 George VI was King and Winston Churchill was Prime Minister, soon to be replaced by Clement Attlee on 26th July. Also in 1945, the first woman to be appointed a professional judge, Sybil Campbell, was appointed a Stipendiary Magistrate, Animal Farm was published and Bernard Lovell established the Jodrell Bank Observatory. Also born in 1945 were Rocco Forte, Helen Mirren, Rod Stewart and Elaine Bookbinder.
In 1968, our current Queen, Elizabeth II, was on the throne and Harold Wilson was Prime Minister. The “airbag” was first introduced as was the “Big Mac”. In America, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated and Jackie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis.
Manchester United won the European Cup and Manchester City, the First Division and Alec Rose completed his single handed round the world voyage in 354 days and was promptly knighted the next day.
In Freemasonry, Melvyn was initiated into St Leonard Lodge No 4982 in Southend on Sea on 25 May 1968 and joined Arkscroll Lodge when he moved up to the Manchester area. In 2013 Melvyn was installed as Worshipful Master and he is now the Lodge Almoner.
WBro Welton then read a personal letter from Sir David Trippier, the Provincial Grand Master, and presented the illuminated certificate to Melvyn. A lapel badge signifying 50 years in Freemasonry was presented to Melvyn by the District Chairman, WBro Paul O’Carroll.

WBro Tenenbaum and WBro Welton

Melvyn was then escorted around the Lodge room by the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies to the acclaim of the Brethren and guests.
The visitors and non-masonic guests then retired from the Lodge and the Lodge was called on by the APGM.
The WM then presented a cheque for £250 for the ELMC to the APGM who received it with thanks. Following the alms collection, the APGM together with the District Deputation retired from the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren.
The Social Board was a very happy and enjoyable affair which was greatly enjoyed by the many Brethren and guests.

Lodge Members and Guests

Report by Richard Zoltie