The picture shows Andy Burnham and Doug Smith at the event.

In January this year Rochdale became the second borough in Greater Manchester to launch a pioneering new scheme to help get people off the streets.
Real Change is an ‘alternative giving’ model, offering members of the public who are worried about homelessness, a way to give, other than in the streets.
Rochdale District Freemasons have been helping to support this initiative through their support of the Rochdale Soup kitchen and the Rochdale Food Bank.  This support has not only been through donations but has also involved a number of our members giving up some of their spare time to restore and to decorate the Soup Kitchen premises at Champness Hall.
On Wednesday 26th June the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, visited Rochdale to thank the various organisations in the town for their help and support in getting the project off to an excellent start. At this visit, the District was represented by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro. Peter Rhodes together with our District Chairmen WBro. Doug Smith. Both pledged that the Freemasons of Rochdale would continue to support the Real Change initiative in general and in particular, the Rochdale Soup Kitchen and the Rochdale Food Bank.