The Team was joined by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, WBro John David Gibbon. The team comprised of  EComps Fraser McCord, Tony Freemont, John Cavanagh, Mike Williams, Dennis Heskett, Roger Holland, Graham Rawlinson, Keith Swettenham, Chris Cunliffe, Mark Reader, Alan Baxendale and Terry Bailey.

On a pleasant September evening the Companions of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team (ELRADT) travelled to the neighbouring Province of West Lancashire to attend Mersey Valley Lodge of Installed Masters No 9057 held at St Helens Masonic Hall.

There they performed “Crafty Companions” to a packed lodge room. Over 70 Craft Masons were in attendance led by one of the APGMs of West Lancashire, WBro Anthony Bent PSGD. Once again the dramatic skills shown by the team were put into full effect and the performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. On this occasion the Presentation Team were accompanied by EComp Norman Clarke, AProvGP  one of our Team’s Vice Presidents.

The next function where ELRADT will be performing will be at Iron Road Lodge, at Audenshaw Masonic Hall on Thursday 24th October.

This isn’t the first time that ELRADT have travelled across our Provincial borders, and they will soon be returning to West Lancashire, namely to Cleveleys Masonic Hall on Friday 29th November where they will continue their mission to spread the word about the Holy Royal Arch.