Following an urgent request for volunteers posted on the Burnley and Pendle District Facebook page, (which reached over 1000 views), 20 volunteers gathered at Burnley Masonic Hall on Sunday 15th December, to wrap over 175 Christmas presents for local Children who might not otherwise have any.

The Presents were donated by the Tesco store in Burnley and were collected by the District Chairman, Bob Allan, Deputy District Chairman, Walter Coupe and District Charity Steward, Mark Barlow, who then took them to the Masonic Hall where the volunteers wrapped them and sorted them by gender and age suitability. They were then delivered back to the Tesco store. The presents would then be distributed by Tesco’s to Safenet, The Chia Centre, Pendleside Hospice and to The Children and Well Being Centre.Billie-Jean Horne of Tesco’s said. “We are delighted with the work and very grateful for the continued assistance of the Burnley and Pendle Freemasons’’.

The team in action.
Walter Coupe, Bob Allan and Mark Barlow returning the wrapped presents back to Tesco’s.

The volunteers were looked after by Marjorie Holden (one of Nelson House Caterers) who gave up her Sunday to provide bacon butties along with tea and coffee for “Santa’s Little Helpers”, and the District Officers wish to place on record their thanks to her. Another great example of local Freemasons helping out in the local community!

Article: John Wilkinson

Pictures: Bob Allan, Bob Summers & Walter Coupe