RWBro Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL Provincial Grand Master,

Installs Bro Daniel Nuttall as the new

Worshipful Master of Keystone Lodge No 363.

Bro Daniel Nuttall was installed by the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL on 16th January 2020.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Rhodes was joined by WBro John Griffin, APGM, and four Grand Lodge officers, together with the Rochdale and Oldham District Chairmen WBro Doug Smith and WBro Les Taylor accompanied by members of their respective teams. In total 68 brethren attended this celebration.

A first-class ceremony ensued to install the Master Elect Bro Daniel Nuttall into the chair of KS. The presentation and explanation of the working tools was delivered by WBro Dilip Desai, Bro Todd Hayes and Bro Callum Woodrow.

Following the appointment and investiture of all the officers for the ensuing year, the address to the Master was given by WBro. Stuart Clough, the address to the Wardens by WBro. David Ogden and the address to the Brethren was delivered in fine style by the PGM himself.


Members of the lodge were delighted to present the following amounts to various charities.  ELMC. – £700   Springhill Hospice – £200, Broughton House (a home for ex services men) £200.  In addition, it was noted in the meeting that the Lodge Ladies’ committee had also donated £100 to Water Aid.


On closing the meeting, the members and guests all gathered for a photo shoot to record the special event. As is usual the Social Board was a great success, the usual Toasts and some fine responses were made. The new Master Bro Danial Nuttall said that he had thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and that he was honoured to have been installed in his Chair by the PGM himself. He commented that it was an occasion that he would remember for many years to come and concluded by thanking all who had contributed to making the evening so special.

The report and photographs are by Kenneth Rowlatt.