
Dear Brethren and Companions,

I simply wanted to send my good wishes and heartfelt concern to you all during this very difficult period.

None of us should underestimate the challenge we all face with the continuing spread of the Coronavirus.

I do appreciate that the vast majority of our Brethren in this Province are doing all that they can to protect themselves, their families, their friends and their neighbours.

As you are all aware, the decision by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent to suspend all meetings of Lodges and Chapters for the time being is a sensible one, to ensure we do all we can to arrest the spread of the virus. Nonetheless, I do understand how difficult this must be for you all.

For all of us this terrible crisis is a unique experience which we have never encountered in our lives before.

It certainly calls on us to exercise those basic Masonic principles of tolerance and kindness to others.

Please be assured that, just as the United Grand Lodge of England and Supreme Grand Chapter are keeping us informed as to the steps required for us to behave responsibly, so we, in this Province, are anxious to do all we can to ensure that our concern and support for you in the Craft and Royal Arch is paramount.

I am aware of strategies that are being adopted in different Districts to keep in touch with Brethren and to ensure their wellbeing, especially those that might be vulnerable during this period. Such proactivity is reassuring and I am grateful to each and every one of you for the work that you are doing and for going the extra mile.

Whilst we may not see as much of each other in the coming months, I am convinced that we will get through this crisis with confidence and fortitude.

I simply ask you to be patient at this time; in the certain knowledge that when this tragedy is over, we will emerge ready for the new challenges which will certainly arise from this turbulent period in our existence.

Clearly, the messages we have already circulated to Secretaries and Scribes E which you have been copied in on recently, have been concerning administration. But we now need to hear from you and to share your news.

What are you doing? How are you occupying yourself? Do you have a job working in a key role supporting our communities? Have you answered the Prime Minister’s call to support our NHS and those in need of help? How are you trying to keep interested in your membership and your Freemasonry? Are you having virtual contact with your fellow members? Have you a hobby or pastime which is keeping your engaged? Simply put, what are your stories which we can share with our wider Masonic family within the Province to stay connected and engaged?

There is so much which is still going on in our lives which is worth sharing and which will keep everyone involved. So how do we do it? If you use social media, it couldn’t be easier. Tag your news on social media using the hash tag


Importantly, if you are not already doing so, PLEASE follow the existing social media accounts we have; you don’t have to be “on” social media to follow our public pages. And if you are unsure how to use it, ask a member of your Lodge, your family – better still a grandchild – they are usually the experts!

Our own Province: Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire https://twitter.com/pglel https://www.instagram.com/pglel/ and our website https://www.pglel.co.uk

United Grand Lodge of England, ELMC, Masonic Charitable Foundation and Hewlett Court

If you have a piece of news which is more than a social media post, then email it to this dedicated email account: pglel@gmx.co.uk and we can share it. If you are sending photos, attach them in high resolution.

We are all still Freemasons in East Lancashire – let’s make that membership work for us when we need it the most. With that in mind, we have some further initiatives being prepared which will be circulated very soon.

I wish each and every one of you and all those you love good health and happiness.

Please stay safe!!

Sir David Trippier