As a means of continuing our support of the Rochdale food bank during this pandemic, our district charity steward WBro John Taylor put out the following appeal to Rochdale Masons via our Facebook Site on the 20th March.

Good Morning Brethren and Companions,
—-most of the volunteers who run the foodbank are in the vulnerable category due to their age and so the Council has temporarily taking over running it.
Those in need are now being provided with a bag of essential items consisting of tinned;
Soup, Beans, Fruit, Tomato’s, Fish, Meat and pasta

Our “kitty” currently stands at £133, which is great but will be used up very quickly. Please keep the donations coming and I will do the rest.

Following his appeal John released the following update on our facebook site on 23rd March.

A huge thank you to all those who have donated to our foodbank initiative.

—this morning at 7.50am we queued up outside Asda to buy food for the foodbank. As it wasn’t for our own use we were able to buy more than the rationed amount. Within 10 minutes of leaving all the food was dropped off at the Council offices for distribution to those in need.

At these very difficult times (and they are going to get worse before they get better) our efforts are needed more than ever. please keep the donations coming and we will keep doing our bit to see food is available for those who need it.

It’s great to see that Masons are doing their bit to make a difference in these very difficult times.

Report by Ken Rowlatt  (Comms Officer) and Photos by John Taylor (District Charity Steward)