On Friday the 29th of February, EComp Roger Flitcroft MBE celebrated 50 years in the Royal Arch at The Chapter of Remembrance No.3787. The Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, EComp David Dunn, in his last Official engagement as an APGP, presided over the celebration. He introduced his supporting delegation before calling upon EComp Brian Carter for a Tribute, which was interesting, well researched and excellently presented. It can be found here.
EComp Dunn then recalled to the assembled Companions about how the world was in 1970, including events, films and music from that year. He then invited the East Ribble District Chairman EComp Dave McGurty to read the Most Excellent Grand Superintendents letter to EComp Flitcroft. After being presented with his 50 year certificate by EComp Dunn, the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies EComp Andrew Procter, perambulated Roger around the Chapter room to the acclaim of all in attendance.
At the Festive Board, Roger spoke of his sincere thanks to all who had supported him this evening, particularity the Companions of his own Chapter, who had presented him with an engraved vase to mark this very rare and special milestone.