East Ribble District Charity Steward Malcolm Roe recently submitted a ‘Teddies Loving Care’ grant request to the ELMC Grant committee which was supported once again in record time, with the Committee awarding £1080, which in TLC terms is 864 bears! These will be used by children accessing the East Lancashire Hospitals Trust in Blackburn, Burnley & surrounding areas.
The Teddies for Loving Care initiative provides unique cuddly bears to A&E and Paediatric departments for medical staff to give to young children. The bears are used to calm children down, reward them for being brave or to demonstrate procedures. Often the bears distract children so nurses and doctors can get their jobs done quickly and efficiently. More information on Teddies Loving Care Scheme can be found here:  https://teddiesforlovingcare.org.uk
The need for a speedy turnaround was especially important this time, as the NHS are now starting to reschedule and begin Children’s operations that have had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. 
Malcolm and ELHT & Me Fundraising Manager Denise Gee, delivered the bundle of bears to the ELHT Paediatric Unit and into the care of ward nurses Vanessa and Gillian. Each child will receive a TLC bear when they come into the Ward so that they have a cuddly friend with them at all times whilst in hospital. 
Huge thanks to Karen Hall and all the ELMC Community Grant Committee for their support once again and to our amazing NHS for continuing their care for us all!

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team