The Masonic Charity Foundation has responded to requests for grants for two Emmaus projects in East Lancashire. WBro Tony Stephenson, District Charity Steward at City Sykes, is CEO of Emmaus Bolton and successfully applied for a grant of £12,500 for a new project in South Manchester.

Likewise Burnley District Chairman, WBro Bob Allan, was successful in applying for just short of £50,000 on behalf of Emmaus Burnley for a project to expand the work that is carried out to support homeless people across East Lancashire.

In respect of both of these applications, it was possible for the projects to include the practical “hands-on” support by Freemasons.  It is always invaluable to include this information in any application for funding, be that to the national Masonic charity or to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity, as it supports the application process.

Thanks to the joint project from the MCF and UGLE, Freemasonry in the Province of East Lancashire is going a long way to supporting the work of Emmaus in addressing some of the problems associated with homelessness. 

You can read more about the Freemasons Covid 19 Community Fund HERE