On Thursday 3rd March 2022, Prince of Wales Lodge No 1012, celebrated a Personal Golden Jubilee celebration for a special member of the lodge.
WBro Peter E Carroll, PJGD, is a highly regarded member of Prince of Wales Lodge and the event that evening certainly highlighted this.
The Worshipful Master, opened the Lodge after which the Provincial Deputation entered, led by the Assitant Provincial Grand Master for the Area, WBro John Griffin, PSGD.
The Worshipful Master offered the gavel to the Brother Griffin, which he graciously accepted before occupying the chair to conduct the Golden Jubilee celebration.
The Lodge room was full, with members from many other Lodges in attendance, particularly a large delegation from the Province of Cheshire, a tribute to the man of the moment.
Brother Griffin delivered a personal and fitting tribute to Brother Carroll, for his many years of service to Freemasonry and his outstanding achievements. The list of offices held by Brother Carroll and his many years of service as the Provincial Grand Secretary in Cheshire, really highlighted how much time and effort Brother Carroll had contributed to Freemasonry, over the past fifty years.
Brother Griffin presented the Golden Jubilee Illuminated Certificate and letter from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge, after which he invited WBro Jeff Cunningham, PSGD, an Assitant Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire, to make a presentation.Brother Cunningham present a Golden Jubilee Certificate, on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire.
The formal toast to Brother Carroll’s health was proposed by WBro John Holt, PJGD which was received warmly and with acclamation.Brother Carroll responded and it was clear to see how much Freemasonry means to him and at the conclusion of his response he received a standing ovation by all present.
Brother Carroll was then escorted around the lodge room, by the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Phil Collier, to the acclamation of all the brethren.
The Assitant Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by the delegation and Brother Carroll retired from the lodge.
The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion, with a fabulous atmosphere and all in attendance enjoyed a fabulous five-course meal.
The formal toast to Brother Carroll’s health was proposed by WBro John Holt, PJGD which was received warmly and with acclamation.Brother Carroll responded and it was clear to see how much Freemasonry means to him and at the conclusion of his response he received a standing ovation by all present.

A fantastic evening was had by all and one that Brother Carroll said would always remain a very special evening for him.