On Thursday 22nd September 2022 Egerton Lodge 1392 celebrated 150 years, and what a celebration it was. The Lodge Tyled at 6.30pm The current Worshipful Master Bro Benjamin Jackson opened the Lodge after which the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Delegation entered the Lodge Room. The Worshipful Master offered the Gavel to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro John Farrington PGSwdB, which he graciously declined.
Lodge business resumed, after which, on the sound of the WM’s gavel, everyone present observed a minute’s silence in respect of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Worshipful Master then again offered the Deputy Provincial Grand Master the gavel, and this time he accepted it and then occupied the chair for the 150th celebration.

WBro Martin Stott read a very in depth history of the Lodge over the past 150 years. It was also nice to have present two members and a guest who were all present at the centenary meeting some 50 years ago. The 150 Year Certificate was then placed in the centre of the Lodge Room and the Provincial Grand Chaplain gave an Oration.

The Deputy PGM then addressed the Brethren and reiterated what a fantastic achievement it was for Egerton Lodge to have reached its 150th year. The Worshipful Master then presented the Deputy PGM with a cheque for £5000 towards the EL2026 Festival to mark the special occasion. Before retiring from the Lodge The Deputy PGM announced that he had a special duty to perform.
WBro Martin Stott was honoured with a promotion to PProv Grand Registrar for all the hard work and commitment he had shown to the Lodge for many years.
The Provincial delegation then retired from the Lodge Room. The Worshipful Master concluded Lodge Business and Closed the Lodge. The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion, the dining room was full with a most vibrant atmosphere, and everyone present was treated to a fabulous 6 course meal
The Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies orchestrated the Toast List, after which The Deputy PGM gave a very heartfelt response which was received with warmth. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John A Griffin then toasted the Master, after which Bro Benjamin Jackson responded in a most suitable manner. A fantastic evening was had by all, the 150th celebration had a real personal touch. It was certainly one which Egerton Lodge 1392 can be justly proud of for the next 150 years to come.