Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire Honours Application Form 2024
Please complete the form below to apply for the 2024 Provincial Honours:
Please read the instructions below for the information you will need before completing the form
Once started you will need to complete the form in one session
Please ensure have all the dates you have served each position in the lodge where appropriate
Section A
- Chaplain
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Asst Secretary
- D of C
- Asst D of C
- Charity Representative
- Almoner
- District Representative
- R.A. Representative
- Festival Representative
- Other
Please ensure have all the dates you have worked/demonstrated the below where appropriate
- I have worked the Installation Ceremony .. times
- I have served as Master for a subsequent year during……………………………………………..
- I have worked/demonstrated the ceremony of Initiation ……times
- I have worked/demonstrated the ceremony of Passing …times
- I have worked/demonstrated the ceremony of Raising ……times
- I am a member of the Royal Arch, Chapter Name/No…………
Please ensure have all the dates you delivered where appropriate
- Since I Installed my successor:
- Out of a total of ………. meetings, I have attended ……………% of the meetings.
- No. of occasions I have delivered a Charge
- No. of occasions I have delivered a Tracing Board
- No. of occasions I have delivered an Address
- No. of occasions I have delivered a Lecture
- No. of occasions I have delivered the Traditional History