East Ribble District applied for a grant from East Lancashire Masonic Charity (ELMC) to help the local foodbank in Blackburn which covers all the East Ribble area.  A grant of £ 644 was approved and this was matched by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) and so a cheque was presented to Blackburn Foodbank for £ 1,288.

The foodbank is there to help people in the community who face hunger.  They supply three days of nutritionally balanced emergency food to those referred to the foodbank who are in crisis.  Founded by local churches and community groups who work together towards stopping hunger in our local area.

East Ribble Freemasons are proud to continue to support Blackburn Foodbank.

The picture shows East Ribble Charity Steward Malcolm Roe presenting a cheque for Jill Fourie, the Operations Manager at Blackburn Foodbank, surrounded by many of the volunteers proudly helping the Foodbank distribute the food to those in need