At 5PM on Friday 8th September 2023 a very special provincial appointment was conferred.

WBro Peter Stuart Clegg, a member of Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge No 6183 which meets in Padiham, within the Northern Area of the province was due to receive his first Provincial Appointment at the November 2023 meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.  Sadly, Peter was admitted to Pendleside Hospice, Burnley and fearing that Peter would not be able to attend the November meeting, RWBro Robert Frankl, Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire decided to bring forward the appointment.  Sadly, Robert was unavailable and so designated his Deputy, VWBro John Farrington to attend in his stead.

And so, at 5pm on Friday 8th September, VWBro John Farrington, accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master over the Northern Area, WBro Dave McGurty and two brothers from Peters lodge, WBro’s Keith Jackson and George Thompson visited Stuart at Pendleside hospice.  Upon their arrival, Peters wife Christine was about to leave the room, but upon invitation from John she remained present whilst the appointment was made and Dave McGurty then presented Christine with a bouquet of flowers.

Christine, John, Keith and George at Peters bedside.

Although Peter was by this stage very ill, it was clear to those present that both his and Christines spirits were lifted by the experience.

Sadly, Peter passed and was called to the grand lodge above 2 days later.