On a wet winter’s evening in February, members of Maccabee Lodge No. 8947and their guests convened at the Manchester Masonic Hall for their Annual Installation meeting.

Maccabee was consecrated in September1980 as a predominately Jewish Lodge. Its badge consists in a warrior hand’s holding a hammer and alludes to the hand of Judas Maccabeus.
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of W Bro Joe Glass PAGReg, to represent the Provincial Grand Master (PGM) W Bro Robert Ian Frankl.

The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, W. Bro Martin Morris.
The first business on the agenda, was to confirm the Minutes of the last meeting. These were approved and confirmed by all the Brethren of Maccabee Lodge who attended the meeting. The WM then announced the next business on the summons was to install Bro Jonathan Skulnick in the chair of King Solom. W Bro Martin Morris asked the officers of the year to stand and thanked them for the year. He then asked the Installing Officers to assist W Bro Ian Paul who carried out the installation as Installing Master.

W Bro Paul took the ceremony to the pointy where Bro Jonathan Skulnick was to be placed in the chair of King Solomon. At this W Bro Martin Morris took over and installed Bro Jonathan Skulnick in the chair of King Solomon. Bro Jonathan Skulnick WM then invested his IPM W Bro Martin Morris.

Following the appointment of the officers of the Lodge, W Bro Glass offered the congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Robert Ian Frankl in becoming the WM of Maccabee Lodge.
Bro Jonathan Skulnick WM then worked through the business in the agenda

At the second rising the WM gave a cheque for £1000 to the East Lancashire 2026 Festival from the lodge.
At the Festive Board, Joe Glass thanked the Lodge for their outstanding donation to the charities and organizations and he added that Maccabee Lodge exemplified the values of Freemasonry: this symbolized their togetherness and dedication to an ideal and a belief.

Step by step walking along the pathway while a brother holds our hand/ the light it’s never too far away, we will reach the end of the tunnel united as ever and we will smile for a new day, a new light/,a new glance, a new marry meeting.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto