The man behind the apron is someone we barely see when we think or talk about Freemasons. It is something far deeper than just wearing regalia.

Every Freemason has a story to tell and now that Freemasonry within society is more open it is time to tell the story.

The City East Area of East Lancashire came to the idea of showing the officers presented on the website and telling their story, showing how their lives could be very similar to our lives, how their hobbies could be the same as ours and so on.

When Ed Beaman steps outside his house in Bolton, Greater Manchester, on a nice sunny day his choice is between his motorbike and his bicycle. He likes to motorcycle around, Wales, North Yorkshire, and the Lakes. His favourite route on his cycle is from Southport to Liverpool. He is the Area Chairman of City East and a member of three Lodges, East Lancashire Centurion, and Felicity where he is the Almoner in both. He is also a member of Duke of Connaught Lodge where he is a deacon. Ed is the First Principal of Derby Chapter in Radcliffe.



We asked why he joined Freemasonry. “I joined through a great friend who I admired. At that time, they told you nothing about what Freemasonry was about, I agreed to join because I thought if he is in it, it must be something good”.

Ed comes from Liverpool, and he lives in Bolton with his wife Glenda.

Ed says a large part of his role is visiting as many of his lodges in a Masonic year as he is able. In the course of visiting lodges, he can see if any matters need his assistance.

Bro Beaman, Ed for his friends, has been a soldier, policeman, soldier again and University Lecturer. He is a Justice of the Peace for Lancashire.

Ed has experienced many cultures and visited many countries both in the Army and the Police, his police career enabled him to travel throughout Europe and the Caribbean.

Like everyone else, Ed has a private life and he loves spending time travelling with his wife, caravanning all over the United Kingdom, and going out with the friends he met during his years in Masonry as well as non-Masonic friends.

He loves going to the theatre and does so as often as he can.

“Freemasonry has taught me a lot and I hope I pass this on to people I meet in my daily life”, said Ed.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto