On 18 April 2024 the brethren of Oldham Mitre Lodge 5622 met for the final time at Shaw Masonic Hall, The closure of a lodge is always a sad and solemn occasion but it was good to see many brethren from the Eastern Area and beyond join forces and to show their support.

A short history of Oldham Mitre Lodge 5633:

Mitre Lodge No 5633 was Consecrated on the 30th of September 1936 at the Masonic Hall on Union Street, Oldham.

Consecrating Officer was RW Bro Lt Col Sir Alan Sykes, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and a team of Officers in the presence of members from 63 other Lodges. The name MITRE was derived from one of the founding members who worked for Mitre Wallpaper Co but the symbol of the Lodge was a Bishop’s headdress which was explained by WBro Rev Tay Prov Grand Chap. The first Worshipful Master was Bro Edwin Ramsden who installed his Lodge officers. Two new initiates were proposed during the meeting which was followed by a grand meal. The Lodge continued to meet during war time. It is perhaps worth mentioning that WBro Earnest Ogden, who some of us remember, was Initiated into the Lodge on 17 August 1944, whilst serving in the Forces, presumably whilst on leave with four other serving new members.

Oldham Lodge No 6428 was Consecrated on 12 September 1947 at the Masonic Hall on Union Street Oldham.

Consecrating Officer was RW Bro Lt Col Sir Alan Sykes Dep Pro Grand Master assisted by a team of officers. The Lodge name was first thought of as Davenport Lodge after WBro ET Davenport a founder of Mitre Lodge but as lodge names could not be named after a living person, it was decided that as there were no ‘Oldham’ Lodges so named, the town name should be used.
There were 16 founder members, eleven of which were from Mitre Lodge no 5633. It is perhaps worth mentioning that due to wartime restrictions still in place Lodge jewels were not available when the lodge opened. Lodge fees in 1947 were £7 a year with a joining fee of £5 and initiation fee of £20. average wage at the time was 112 shillings a week (£5.60p) but perhaps Masons were not average!

Mitre & Oldham Lodges were amalgamated on the 13 September 2006, which I am sure some of us fondly remember.