The Brethren and Visitors of St Thomas’ Lodge No. 992

The Worshipful Master,  WBro Bernard Armitage PProvGSwdB, warmly welcomed WBro Chris Welton PJGD APGM to the Lodge on 3 February 2016. The APGM in return said how pleased he was to visit the Lodge, whilst at the same time, seeing a number of old friends. Accompanying the APGM were WBro David Hudson, Derby District Chairman, WBro Nick Davis ProvAGDC, WBro Chris Wildman PProvDepGDC, Sykes District Secretary and WBro Richard Zoltie, Manchester Area Communications Officer.

Members of the Lodge conducted a demonstration of the Ceremony of Passing which was carried out in an exemplary fashion and enjoyed by all.
In the Lodge, the APGM congratulated the team on the ceremony and also thanked the Lodge for its contributions both to the 2015 Festival and to the ELMC.
The WM presented a cheque for £150 to the ELMC which WBro Welton accepted with great thanks.
WBro Armitage volunteered his Lodge to assist any other Lodge in presenting a 2nd Degree Ceremony should they require this.

WBro Bernard Armitage with WBro Chris Welton APGM