12 June 2024

Harold Woodward’s Diamond Anniversary of joining Masonry

It was a double delight for VWBro Harold Woodward, PGSwdB, PDepProvGM when he was presented with not one, but two certificates on the occasion of his 60-year Jubilee which was celebrated in King Edward VII Lodge 3442 at Hoyle Court, Baildon at a lunchtime meeting on 12 June 2024.

Harold was initiated into Albert Lodge 854 on 10 June 1964 and has had a long and  distinguished career in the Province of East Lancashire. Many will remember him as ProvDepGSec, followed by AProvGM of the Eastern Area and then DepPGM until 2011. For many years he has lived in Baildon (north east of Bradford) and commuted daily to Bridge Street and all parts of the Province – a round trip of over 60 miles. Asked if he could estimate the mileage he had done over the years he answered “no, but I wore out 3 cars” !

Harold, was a joining member of both King Edward VII 3442 and Moorland 6591 Lodges, on the other side of the Pennines, which meet at Hoyle Court a mere 300 yards from his home. There were 28 people present five of which were East Lancs Masons and old friends of Harold.

The ceremony was conducted by W Bro Michael Dyson APGM Yorkshire West Riding in the style of Eamonn Andrews and “This is your life”. In the conversation they held in open Lodge we learnt a lot about Harold’s early working life, his family and his passion for Freemasonry. He was presented with certificates from Yorkshire West Riding by WBro Michael Dyson and from East Lancs by W Bro Rev Canon Richard Hawkins APGM. Canon Hawkins read out the letter from The RWPGM  Robert Frankl and the illuminated certificate adding that he personally owed Harold a huge debt of gratitude as does the whole of the Province of East Lancs.

Harold, responding to the toast in his honour at the festive board, rather than dwelling on the past, gave an inspiring discourse on the principles and future of Freemasonry.

WBro Revd Canon Richard Hawkins PSGD AProvGM