Left to right Bro Speak, Bro Eddleston, The WM WBro Michael J Squires, Bro Kawaja & Bro Fortune

In 1935. Roses Lodge recorded a double passing ceremony in their minute book. Some Eighty Years later on the 20th October, 2015, Brothers Ian Kenneth Fortune and Mohammed-Na’eem Khawaja were jointly passed to the Second Degree. The 17th November saw another double passing, that of Brothers John Sefton Eddleston and Gregory Michael Speak.

The Lodge was honoured, at the October meeting, by the presence of WBro John Richard Farrington PSGD, APGM, who praised those Brethren that organised the ritual, in addition to the Officers who delivered it. Particularly noteworthy were the contributions of WBro Paul Quinton PProvSGD and WBro David Livesey, who deputised for the Worshipful Master in his absence.

With Bro Michael Jameson Squires, the Worshipful Master, firmly back in his chair and fully refreshed after his holidays, the November meeting went just as well as the previous one. The Senior Deacon, Bro Ronald Dempster took care of his candidates in an exceptional manner, indeed all the ritual was delivered accurately and with feeling throughout. Both the District Chairman, WBro Paul Thornton PProvJGW and WBro Steve Jansen PProvDepGReg , the District Mentor were lavish in their praise of the Candidates, the Officers and the organisation of the meeting.


The newly Passed Brethren with the Worshipful Master and the District Chairman, Paul Thornton; the District Mentor, Steve Jansen and the Lodge DC, John Wilkinson

On both evenings, all four candidates answered their questions faultlessly, reflecting their appreciation of what was being asked. Mention must also be made of the skills of WBro John Wilkinson PProvGStwd and WBro Tony Cross PProvDepGReg, who as DC and ADC, organised both the ceremonies. Roses Lodge is a healthy, vibrant and well-run Lodge. With newer Brethren, like the four Fellow Crafts which have just been passed, all the members can look forward to a happy and rewarding Masonic future, for very many years to come.