The Brethren of Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No. 462 and the District Deputation

The meeting of 10th February 2016 at the Masonic Halls Accrington marked a special landmark in the history of this newly amalgamated Lodge. Over 50 brethren gathered to celebrate the dedication of the new Bible Fall.

Following the opening of the Lodge by Worshipful Master Bro Paul Pratt with the assistance of the officers, and once the business had been completed. WBro Andrew Procter PProvDepGDC as ProvDepGDC and WBro David Cowen ProvDepGDC, announced WBro John Farrington PSGD The Assistant Provincial Grand Master was without, accompanied by a District Deputation Including several Grand Officers including the APGP WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC, District Chairman WBro David Lightbown PAGDC and Past APGM WBro Harry Hesmondhalgh PSGD. The Deputation were admitted and WBro Farrington was offered the gavel by the Worshipful Master, and on this occasion he was delighted to accept.

WBro Farrington expressed his delight at having the opportunity to preside over such a wonderful occasion which is rarely seen, and his first duty was to ask WBro Cowen to unveil the new Bible Fall.

WBro Clive David Carroll PProvDepGReg was instructed to take up the bible fall, and accompanied by the ProvDepGDC’s and The Deacons Bro’s David Peacock and  Wayne Smith he perambulated the Bible Fall around the Lodge whilst the Brethren sang the Dedication Hymn, music played by Bro Chris May the Honorary Organist.

WBro Farrington then instructed WBro Procter to remove the original Bible Fall, and replace it with the new. The Worshipful Master then approached the pedestal and WBro Farrington formally presented the Bible Fall to the Lodge and into the safe keeping of the Worshipful Master. WBro Pratt graciously received it, and promised that he and subsequent Masters would ensure it would be passed down in good form.

The Worshipful Master then had a very pleasant duty to perform in presenting a cheque to WBro Farrington for the sum of £500 for the ELMC. This was very gratefully received by WBro Farrington.

The Bible Fall Ceremony was concluded with the Brethren singing the Dedication Closing Hymn.

Following the collection for good causes, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master indicated he would like to retire from the Lodge accompanied by his Deputation, after which the remainder of the Lodge business was concluded and the Lodge closed in due form.

The Festive board was enjoyed by all present. Excellent food and fraternity was a fitting compliment to the wonderful ceremony all had enjoyed in the Lodge. The toasts were expertly expedited under the guidance of WBro Procter.
WBro Farrington in his response, referred to the recruitment and retention presentation which will have its first showing at the upcoming District meeting and he encouraged as many Brethren to attend if they could. He also made reference to the fact that following the Festival it was an amazing fact that both Lodges had been Grand Patrons of the Festival and this fact should be recognized. He concluded by stating how delighted he was to be able to dedicate the new Bible Fall.
The raffle raised the excellent sum of £274.


The Brethren of Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No. 462


The Worshipful Master Bro Paul Pratt with WBro Farrington PSGD APGM and APGP WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC


The festive board was enjoyed by all!