The Brethren of Old Blackburnian Lodge No. 7933 with the District Delegation

On Friday 26th February, over 60 Brethren gathered at Old Blackburnian Lodge No. 7933 in Old School at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Trevor Procter PProvSGW.

The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Bro David Sharpe, assisted by his officers, and the Lodge Business conducted. WBro Andrew Procter ProvDepDC then directed a District Delegation led by WBro John Farrington PSGD APGM into the Lodge where the Worshipful Master offered WBro Farrington the gavel, which on this occasion he was delighted to accept. WBro Farrington requested that the Director of Ceremonies place WBro Procter in the centre of the Lodge, and then instructed WBro Tattersall PProvDepGSwdB to conduct the tribute. WBro Tattersall asked Junior Warden WBro Gordon Hebden PProvDepGSuptWks to read the minutes from the meeting when WBro Procter was Initiated. The Senior Warden WBro John Duckworth PProvGSwdB then read the minutes from the meeting when WBro Procter was Installed as Worshipful Master.

WBro Tattersall proceeded to outline WBro Procter’s Masonic history which started on the 16th December 1965 when he was proposed as a candidate into Freemasonry. His Initiation took place on 18th February 1966 and in March 1977 he was raised to the Third Degree. In April 1972 he was Installed as Master of the Lodge. His first Provincial rank of PProvGStdB was awarded in November 1982, and in 1987 he was promoted to PProvSGD. In 1984 he was appointed Lodge Secretary, a post he still holds today. In 2000 he was promoted again to the rank of PProvGSwdB and in 2015 to PProvSGW.

On completion of the historical account of WBro Procter in Freemasonry, WBro Farrington then proceeded to outline some of the more notable events that occurred in 1966. These included The fact that the US had 500,000 troops in Vietnam, the average house price was £3840, petrol cost 5 shillings (26p), the Harrier Jump Jet first flew, the Severn Bridge was opened and of course England beat Germany in the World Cup.
WBro Farrington presented WBro Procter with his Illuminated Certificate and personal letter from The Provincial Grand Master RWBro Sir David Trippier, these were both read by WBro Farrington following which WBro Procter was perambulated around the Lodge to the applause of all the Brethren present.
The District Chairman WBro David Lightbown PAGDC stood and offered his personal congratulations and presented WBro Procter with his special 50th lapel badge.The Worshipful Master then had a very pleasant duty to perform and presented WBro Farrington with a cheque for £500 to the ELMC with the special instruction that it must contribute to supporting the East Lancashire Flood Relief Fund, VWBro Derek Thornhill PGSwdB DepPGM acknowledged the donation in his capacity of chairman of the Flood Relief Committee.WBro Andrew Procter asked WBro Farrington if he would like to retire with the District Delegation and on this special occasion, WBro Trevor Procter. He indicated his wish to retire and was conducted from the meeting by the Director of Ceremonies.

The Festive Board was a true Old Blackburnian Lodge event. Excellent refreshment and lots of laughter. WBro Farrington in his response made reference to the excellent presentation
at the recent District Meeting at Mill House on the subject of Recruitment and Retention. This presentation will be given across the Province and had its premiere in the East Ribble District. He also made reference to the amalgamation of the four charities and the changes made to the roll of the Lodge Almoner.
The toast to WBro Procter was made by WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC who spoke fondly of the 55 years they had known each other and of the friendship they had shared, as well as referring to WBro Procter’s Masonic career.
WBro Procter responded in kind, and made reference to the times he and WBro Aspinall had worked together and the times they had shared together in the Lodge. He thanked him for his toast and continued to explain to the Brethren how the Lodge had developed over the 50 years he has been a member. This included the way the Lodge used to be assembled on Lodge evenings and the catering and licensing arrangements WBro Procter had instigated. His response gave a very interesting potted history of the last 50 years of Old Blackburnian Lodge.
This was a very special evening and one to be remembered, everyone is looking forward to returning to celebrate his 60th anniversary!


The Brethren of the Lodge


WBro Procter is presented with his certificate by WBro Farrington and also has his 50th Anniversary lapel badge pinned by WBro Lightbown District Chairman