On Sunday 28th February Brethren from the East Ribble District were invited to present awards at Blackburn Youth Zone, at their first ‘A Level Playing Field’ awards. These awards celebrate the wonderful and diverse talents and progress made by the members of the Diversity Club, which supports young people and their families from the ages of 8 to 25 who have disabilities.

WBro Mike Stubbs PProvGStwd (District Charity Steward) presented the award for participation, and WBro James Abbott PProvSGW Presented the awards for Confidence and Creativity. During the afternoon we were treated to some wonderful performances of singing, dancing and magic as well as tributes to the young people given by the staff of Blackburn Youth Zone. The whole event was choreographed by the Diversity Lead, Laura Walker who was presented with her own award by the young people at the end of what was an emotional and inspiring afternoon.

The East Ribble District have supported Blackburn Youth Zone by contributing £4995 to the creation of their Sensory Room used by many of the young people present at the awards. Blackburn Masonic Hall have also donated a well utilised snooker table.


The photo shows WBro Mike Stubbs and WBro James Abbott presenting awards to the young people and in one case to a parent. Laura Walker is also pictured with the East Ribble District representatives present. From left to right… WBro James Abbott (Hall Manager of Blackburn Masonic Hall) WBro Mike Stubbs (District Charity Steward) Laura Walker (Diversity Club Manager) and WBro Steve Crowther (District Communications Officer)