At a meeting of the East Ribble District Charity Stewards, at which our newly appointed Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro Ken Davies MBE, PProvSGW was in attendance, a cheque for £675.00 towards the work of the ELMC ( was gratefully received by WBro Davies on behalf of our Charity.

This was raised by holding a Raffle at the Winter Draw, held at the Chadwick Weekend in January and represents 50% of the proceeds from the tickets sold by the District Charity Stewards in the weeks and months leading up to the evening.

The Charity Stewards meeting itself had a central focus about the work of the ELMC, with the District Charity Steward WBro Mike Stubbs PProvGStwd giving a presentation, re-emphasising the need for us all to look to support the work of our Charity, personally and in our Lodges and Chapters.