The closure of a lodge is a very somber and sad occasion, but it also gives the Brethren the opportunity to celebrate the life of the Lodge and this was very much the sentiment when over 50 gathered at Mill House Masonic Hall on the 6th April to mark the final meeting of Huncoat Lodge No. 8542.

Before the warrant of the lodge was submitted, WBro Brian Carter PAGDC, Provincial Almoner, was installed as Worshipful Master. The ceremony was performed in an excellent manner with WBro Andrew Taylor ProvDepGDC acting as Installing Officer. Once Installed, WBro Carter appointed and invested his officers for the final time.
A lovely touch, was that whilst there was no collection, the alms plates were passed around and every Brother present took a memento of a forget me not flower lapel badge.

Following the lodge business and the lodge was closed, the Brethren of Huncoat Lodge occupied the body of the lodge and the ceremony to surrender the Lodge Warrant to WBro Farrington APGM commenced. As a honorary member, VWBro Thornhill PGSwdB Deputy Provincial Grand Master formally handed the Warrant to WBro Farrington who accepted it and promised to pass it on to Grand Lodge for safekeeping. WBro Farrington expressed sadness at the closure of the lodge, but he respected the decision the Brethren had made. He also expressed his very best wishes for the Brethren in their future Masonic careers and looked forward to seeing them all again in the respective lodges they had chosen to join.

Following the ceremony the somewhat subdued Brethren retired to the festive board to celebrate over 40 years of history of Huncoat Lodge No. 8542.

During the evening WBro Carter was delighted to present the working tools of the Lodge to WBro Dave McGurty PProvGSwdB the Worshipful Master of Verity Lodge No. 3949 Huncoat’s Mother Lodge. WBro McGurty was delighted to accept them on behalf of the Lodge and welcomed all the Brethren of Huncoat Lodge to their next meeting, where the Lodge will be opened in all three degrees where the working tools would be explained.

The evening was concluded with a rousing rendition of ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and lots of heartfelt goodbyes but also with lots of optimism as the Brethren of Huncoat Lodge look forward to their future Masonic adventures.