Tuesday the 9th of February saw a special performance from the adults of Met Express, based in The Met, Bury. The adults, who all have learning mental and mental and physical disabilities, gave their time to thank the Master of Dormer St Margaret’s Lodge, No.5588, WBro Ken Shore, for the donation of £600.
The members first introduced themselves and this was followed by a session with the Sounds Good Music Project, run by WBro Brian Wilbraham and his team. WBro Ian Whitehead, Wyn Dillon, Wyn Wilbraham and Jean Williams were involved, playing drums, tambourines and various other instruments. Sing-along songs helped to build self esteem and self confidence. Some of the group then sang their favourite songs, after which WBro Shore, who was accompanied on the evening by his wife Joan and other members of the Lodge, presented the cheques to Sue Scott the leader of the group.

Sue thanked WBro Shore and the members of Dormer St Margaret’s for the generous donation saying that the money would be a huge help to the group as it would allow them to buy costumes and other items for use in their next productions.

WBro Shore, who had heard great things about the drama group but had not seen the members perform before, was astounded at the level of energy and commitment that the members gave to their performances.

The evening finished with a quick version of “X Factor” style auditions with WBro Shore and his wife Joan, along with some of the helpers acting as judges. Again the members of the group gave it their all, which was appreciated by all present.