We, in the craft, do not often have Banner Dedications. I certainly have never been to one. That we rectified last Wednesday, 20th April when I visited Bury Lodge of Relief No.42 for their Banner Dedication. Before I mention the folk present and the atmosphere etc etc, please allow me to firstly mention the Banner itself.

Oh my, what an amazing piece of artwork. If you get a chance to see this then please do so, it really is a little bit special. The picture just can’t do it justice. The stitch work, design and colours really will impress. Also made in Lancashire. If your Lodge, Chapter or any side degree are in the market for a Banner then use these guys. WBro Paul Sellers PProvJGW had no small part in the design of this beautiful piece and he’ll know all the details.
As for the dedication, well, what a lovely ritual that is. The hall was full to bursting and I have to say I was so pleased to see the full range from entered apprentice to APGM. The Deputy Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch, Past PGM, Past APGM, Fellow Craft masons, provincial, district and Grand delegations.
The proceedings were conducted by the western area APGM WBro Norman Cope PSGD; directed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro John Griffin PAGDC. WBro Cope did Bury Lodge of Relief proud as he always does bringing solemn and serious with humour and candour, supported by members of the Lodge and Province.
An Oration was given by WBro Major the Revd Canon Richard Hawkins ProvAGChap which you can read HERE

The members of the Ladies Committee, who had very generously raised the funds to pay for the Banner, are seen here with APGM WBro Norman Cope and the Master of the Lodge WBro Paul MS Mitchell

The social board was a busy, joyful affair. Good food, good company and great speeches. I have to say a huge thanks to Bury Lodge of Relief for allowing the many visitors to witness this Banner Dedication and I can only say that you all really should visit this happy lodge and witness the amazing Banner in person. I guarantee you will be mightily impressed.