WBro Mo Afsa addresses the meeting

On the evrening of May 24th some 40 brethren from the Districts of Bury and Bolton met together at Radcliffe Masonic Hall for a presentation on recruitment by WBro Mo Afsa, the Provincial Recruitment Officer. Mo gave an excellent presentation, supported by Power Point slides, to a very attentive audience. After the presentation the area APGM, WBro Norman Cope, continued on the recruitment topic and also invited the Deputy Chairman of Bolton District, WBro Peter Jones, who is also the recruitment officer for Bolton, to speak.

The question and answer session that followed brought much involvement from those present with many suggestions being made to further the successful recruitment of new members. One of the main themes coming out was the need for greater openess about who we are and what we do. WBro Cope emphasised the need for masons to talk to both family and friends about how and why they enjoy their freemasonry so much. ‘White Table’ events where non-masons are invited to dine are to be encouraged, as are open days at masonic halls.

An interesting topic that was introduced was the idea of encouraging ex-servicemen to join as they may be missing the companionship that they will have experienced during their service years. One ex-serviceman present supported this as he had indeed found masonry to be a ‘life saver’ for him after serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

WBro Mo Afsa first entered freemasonry through the University scheme but has remained in Manchester and is now a General Practitioner in the NHS, so his free time is limited. However, he is very committed to the recruitment program and has offered to give his presentation to District Meetings throughout the Province. At the end of the meeting he received much applause from the brethren. A very successful and worthwhile meeting.

WBro Norman Cope continues the theme

The brethren present