Thursday 15th September at Farnworth Masonic Hall saw the new masonic season get off to a bang with the much anticipated bi-centenary of Charity Lodge 350.

Together with easily over 80 Freemasons in an absolutely packed (and hot!) Lodge room, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL, together with a Provincial Delegation received a brief history of the Lodge, delightfully split between Speaker and Secretary. Afterwards an Oration was received by WBro Revd Canon Richard Hawkins.

The formalities of the meeting were ended with a hugely impressive £3500 donation by the Lodge to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity (ELMC), presented to the Provincial Grand Master by the Worshipful Master WBro J B Aspinall.

In familiar yet impressive form, the Lodge members and visitors were entertained by the Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and the Worshipful Master at the Festive Board. Coupled with a fantastic meal and fellowship, this will be an evening that lasts long in the memory.