Presentation to Clitheroe 41 Club

On Tuesday the 6th of December, Bro Roger Spensley of Limestone Rock Lodge No.369  in Clitheroe, in his capacity as the current Chairman of the Clitheroe 41 Club, invited members from the East Ribble District Team to come along and give a talk on Freemasonry at their next meeting.

Meeting at the Calfs Head in Worston, a very warm welcome was given to Team members (and Clitheroe Masons) WBro Ian Johnson PProvJGD and WBro Bruce Pollard ProvSGD,  both of who, play an active part in newly formed East Lodge Membership Officers group, and to WBro Dave McGurty PProvGSwdB, Deputy Chairman and District Membership Officer.

Following an enjoyable Christmas meal, we presented a brief slideshow and talk on Freemasonry, our aims, objectives and purpose. This was received well by all present at the 41 Club, which included some former and active Freemasons among their ranks.

Information packs on becoming a Freemason, our national Charitable achievements in 2015, a District specific brochure and DVD ‘Freemasonry, What’s it all about?’ were left for interested parties to take away with them. 
