Back Row L to R: WBros: R Cross, K Davenport, P Cartwright, P G Hewitt, P Rhodes and B Percy

Front Row L to R: WBros: D Kyme, T Ward, Bro L Brown, WBros: C Lamb, R Turner, A Butterworth and B Gilman

Roclyffe Lodge No 5198 that meets at Bacup have recently had two applicants for Initiation into their Lodge. The first of these Initiations took place on Thursday 25th May but, due to holidays and other commitments of their members, they had a shortfall of numbers of their members who were able to take part in the Initiation Ceremony. The very hardworking Secretary of Roclyffe Lodge, WBro Alan Butterworth, who always likes a ‘challenge’ contacted a number of his erstwhile masonic friends and also enlisted the assistance of the Rochdale District Chairman, WBro Peter Rhodes, to help swell their numbers to be able to perform a Ceremony of Initiation for Mr Lee Antony Brown.

Alan’s hard work, and persuasive manner, was generously supported by WBro Paul Cartwright of Tranquility with Hospitality Lodge No 274 who became the Tyler for the evening, WBro David Kyme of Earl of Lathom Lodge No 2560 who delivered the Charge after Initiation, WBro Peter Rhodes – Rochdale Lodge No 6721 who acted as IPM and Chaplain, WBro Keith Davenport of Roch Valley Lodge No 5120 who was the Senior Deacon and WBro Bernard Percy of Harmony Lodge No 298 who presented Bro Brown with the ‘Entered Apprentice – Personal Guide’ booklet which to help introduce Lee into masonry and the journey he has just embarked upon.

In addition to those named above there were a further five other guests and visitors who helped to make this one of the most enjoyable and fascinating ceremonies of the year!

The event was further supported by WBro Peter G Hewitt, APGM, by his presence at the meeting.

After the Ceremony members and guest joined together in a very lively and enjoyable Social Board with a splendid meal being provided by WBro Raymond Cross and his family.