20​ East Ribble District newer members along with the ​381 ​Worshipful Master, APGM, District Chairman and Mentor, E&D team and the substitute candidate for the presentation.

On Thursday 12th October, WBro John Farrington PSGD, APGM and 76 Brethren attended Harmony and Industry Lodge 381 at Darwen Masonic Hall to witness the East Lancs Education and Development Team presenting an Explanation of the 1st Degree Ceremony. The presentation was given in an excellent manner and enlightened the audience throughout; no doubt advancing Masonic knowledge for all present. It was another excellent example of how Province is working to enhance Freemasonry in every District.
From the New Members Group, 21 Brethren attended along with plenty of support from Brethren of their own Lodges. It was an excellent example of how active mentoring can enhance the Masonic experiences for our newer Brethren.
Thank you to WBro Farrington PSGD, APGM, WBro David Lightbown, PAGDC, District Chairman and the District team for their support; to the Education and Development team for their presentation; to Harmony and Industry Lodge 381 for hosting the meeting, but most importantly to the newer members and their guests for their fantastic support.
Article by Russell Harwood