On Friday evening the 18th October, a District delegation headed by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Alan Kirwilliam gathered at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Blackburn for the meeting of Old Blackburnian Lodge No. 7933 to celebrate 50 years in Freemasonry of WBro Alan Pomfret.

The APGM, was welcomed into the Lodge, accepted the gavel and occupied the Master’s Chair. After requesting that WBro Alan Pomfret be placed in the centre of the Lodge he invited the Lodge Secretary, WBro Trevor Procter, to read the minutes from the Lodge meeting held on 17th October 1969 when Mr Alan Pomfret was initiated. He then asked WBro Eric Loughlin to give a tribute to Alan which was very moving and emphasised their close friendship. The APGM then continued to recount some of the events taking place in that year. He concentrated on the technical achievements, including the moon landing and with the help of those with longer memories, recollected some music from some of the popular films from the year 1969. WBro Kirwilliam presented WBro Pomfret with his Illuminated Certificate and a letter which carries the best wishes from the Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier. WBro Pomfret was then perambulated around the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren. Alan’s ceremony concluded with a presentation from the Deputy District Chairman, WBro Russell Harwood, of a 50th lapel badge.

The Festive Board was very enjoyable with the usual excellent fayre and friendship to match. The APGM gave “the short version” of his response saying that the evening should be about WBro Pomfret, he urged the Brethren to continue to enjoy their Masonry, acknowledged the relevant toasts and finished by saying he was looking forward to returning to Old Blackburnian Lodge in the future.

The toast to WBro Pomfret was given by WBro Loughlin who reiterated their long relationship not only in Masonic terms, but also their respective families. Alan in his response thanked the Brethren for attending and similar to the APGM recounted some of the events that took place in 1969 along with some memorable highlights of his masonic career.

A wonderful evening which reflected the warmth and good feeling to a highly respected Freemason. We look forward to celebrating his 60th birthday in 2029!

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team