On Thursday 31st March 2016 St John’s Lodge No 348 held a celebration to commemorate the completion of 200 years of continuous working on 21st December 2015.
The event was held at Bolton Masonic Hall and was attended by The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master, Sir David Wootton, and Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL, together with a Grand and Provincial Delegation.
The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master, WBro Derek James Walsh, PSGD, PAPGM.
There was a report and WBro Andrew Procter, Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies as Provincial DC, was admitted and announced that The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL. and a Provincial Delegation was without and demanded admission.
Sir David and the Delegation were duly admitted.
The Worshipful Master welcomed The Provincial Grand Master and offered him the Gavel which was politely refused.
Salutations were then given to RWBro Sir David Trippier, Provincial Grand Master, to which Sir David responded.
There was a further report and WBro John Griffin, AGDC as Grand DC, was admitted and announced that Right Worshipful Sir David Wootton, Assistant Grand Master, accompanied by WBro Anthony Rayner, AGSec and WBro The Rev David Halford, the Provincial Grand Chaplain was without and demanded admission.
Sir David Wootton was admitted.

The Worshipful Master then welcomed him to St John’s Lodge and offered him the Gavel which was again politely refused.
Salutations were then given to RWBro Sir David Wootton, Assistant Grand Master, to which he responded.

The Worshipful Master then called upon WBro Roy Woodcock, PProvDepGDC, to read a short history of St John’s Lodge, which was received with much acclaim.
The Provincial Grand Chaplain, WBro The Rev David Halford, delivered an Oration and explained the meaning of the word “Jubilee”
The Assistant Grand Secretary then read the Bi-Centenary Warrant, after which the Assistant Grand Master presented it to the Worshipful Master. The Assistant Grand Master then addressd the Brethren of the Lodge and invited them to wear their Bi-Centenary Jewels.
The Provincial Grand Master was presented with a cheque for £3480.00, which had been pledged for the RMBI 2015 Festival, by the Worshipful Master. The Provincial Grand Master addressed the Brethren and thanked the Worshipful Master and the brethren of St John’s Lodge for their donations.
He then announced that it was within his discretion to appoint or promote someone in Provincial Grand Lodge and was delighted to announce that the promotion on this occasion was to go to WBro Roy Woodcock who was to be promoted to the rank of PProvGSwdB. This was a great surprise and was received with applause by all present.
Following the Lodge meeting and at the Social Board all present received a personalised copy of the St John’s Lodge History 1815 – 2015.
There followed the usual Toasts after which the Assistant Grand Master, Sir David Wootton, responded to Toast No 5 and then proposed the health of the Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier.
Sir David responded to his toast.
WBro Norman Cope, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, proposed the Toast to the Lodge to which the Worshipful Master, Bro Derek Walsh, responded.
The Worshipful Master, WBro Derek Walsh, then responded on behalf of the Lodge at the conclusion of which he presented Engraved Crystal Tulip Vases to both Sir David Wootton and Sir David Trippier.
It was an excellent ceremony and first class social board, thoroughly enjoyed by all the Brethren of the Lodge and the guests of St John’s Lodge No 348, which will be long remembered as a very special occasion.